Civil Society Europe Newsletter

March 2025

Welcome to Civil Society Europe's March newsletter!
Find our latest updates below.

What has CSE been up to?

Civil Society Under Attack at the European Parliament

Civil society organisations have recently been under attack in the European Parliament. Using a technical discussion on the 2023 discharge of the EU budget, sectors of the EPP and the far-right attacked EU funding to CSOs. While this started as an attack against environmental NGOs, the scope of the attacks has expanded to other sectors. The line promoted by attackers is that CSOs receiving EU funds should not do advocacy activities, and that CSOs engaging with EU institutions would resort to undue influence.
We firmly oppose these attacks: EU funding to civil society is crucial to help avoid that only corporate voices are heard in policymaking. These are also the conclusions of a debate on the issue of the plenary of the EESC. We will continue monitoring to ensure that civil society has a strong voice in EU policy-making. 

Read our statement: The EU must ensure the conditions for an open public debate on EU policies

CSE Speaks at Polish Presidency Meeting on Civil Society as a Crisis Readiness Factor in the Present EU

CSE delivered a keynote address at this high level meeting organised by the Minister for Civil Society, which gathered representatives of member states in the area of civil protection. The meeting discussed a preliminary document on the state of dialogue with civil society in EU member states and good practices in cooperation during crises. The meeting laid groundwork for the international conference on the role of civil society in strengthening the EU's resilience to current crises, which will take place in Gdansk on 9-10 June.

CSE & Philea Contribute to Single Market Consultation and Rule of Law Consultation on Single Market Issues

Civil Society Europe, together with Philea, contributed to the consultations on the Single Market Strategy 2025 and the single market dimension of the Rule of Law reports. The contribution highlighted the importance of the non-profit sector within the single market, and the obstacles non-profit organisations face due to the lack of recognition, at the EU level, of the ‘Single Market for the Public Good’.

CSE Policy Paper - EU Civil Dialogue: The Foundations of an Institutional Framework

Civil Society Europe achieved a major step in publishing the policy paper ‘EU Civil Dialogue: The Foundations of an Institutional Framework’. The policy paper, drafted with the contribution of CSE’s whole membership, lays the basis of how a structured civil dialogue framework should look like at the EU level. 

Read the paper here. 

CSE’s Introductory Handbook on ECBA for National Non-profit Organisations

The European Cross Border Associations Directive, once approved, will provide a unique opportunity for non-profit organisations to collaborate and work transnationally. CSE published an introductory handbook, aimed at national civil society organisations, to explain what the ECBAs will be, what benefits they'll bring for CSOs working across borders, and the different features and conditions of its establishment and operations.

Read the handbook here. 

Civic Pulse: Connecting MEPs & EU Civil Society

On 19 November 2024, CSE and Social Platform organised Civic Pulse’, a networking event bringing together MEPs and EU civil society to exchange on how to foster collaboration between policy makers and civil society during the new mandate. The event, organised in the European Parliament (EP) and co-hosted by EP VP Katarina Barley, was attended by approximately 100 participants. EP VP Stefanuta, MEP Lagodinsky and the President of CSE Gabriella Civico also intervened.

Events you don't want to miss!

Towards a European Strategy for Civil Society - Civil Society Week 2025

Civil society, in all its diversity, helps people access and exercise their civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights. However, the environment for civil society to operate and act is shrinking across Europe. This expert policy panel provides an opportunity to talk with EU institutions on concrete steps for the next five years in order to better recognise, protect, support and engage with civil society at all levels across Europe.

Date: Thursday, March 20th, 2025
Time: 09:30 - 11:00/11:30
Location: European Economic and Social Committee, Rue Belliard 99/101, 1040 Brussels, Meeting Room JDE 62

This event is a part of 2025's Civil Society Week - 'Strengthening Cohesion and Participation in Polarised Societies'.

Unpacking the EU Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Package

In May 2024, the EU adopted a new Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Package, which will be applicable from July 2027. Join us for this event as we explore the potential impact of this new package on the non-profit sector.

Date: March 19th, 2025
Time: 16:45 - 18:15 CET
Location: Brussels, meeting venue will be confirmed after registration

Don’t miss out, register here! Please note that if you are not registered for Civil Society Week, you must do so to gain access to the venue at this link.

Resilient, Just and Blue: Water and the Future We Share

Europe’s water future cannot be decided behind closed doors. This evening brings together institutional leaders, policymakers, civil society, activists and European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) organisers to co-create ideas, challenge assumptions and shape the conversation on Europe’s water resilience, rights and justice. Hosted by Volonteurope.

Date: Monday, March 17th, 2025
Time: 19:00 - 21:30
Location: Atelier29, Rue Jacques de Lalaing 29, 1000 Bruxelles

Register now!

Citizens' Upraise in Serbia: Regional Impact and the Way Forward

ALDA is organising this meeting to inform and discuss the current situation in Serbia following the tragedy in Novi Sad in 2024. The aim of the event is to present the key updates on the situation in Serbia, assessing its implications for regional stability and the EU enlargement process, as well as the critical role of civil society in addressing democratic challenges.

Date: Thursday, March 20th, 2025
Time: 18:30 - 20:00 CET
Location: The Press Club, Rue Froissart 95, 1040 Brussels

Register now!

Other news

EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Launches Civic Space Survey

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has launched its survey to identify challenges faced by CSOs and ways forward in work related to civic space. The survey is open to all CSOs working in an EU Member State, at EU level, as well as in Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. Responses will allow FRA to identify challenges and trends over time, and ways forward on how to address them.

Closing date: April 7th, 2025

The survey can be completed here.