20-03-2024 15:00
"Constitutional aspects of the Future of Europe" 20 March 2024

Hearings AFCO
Future, Europe
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The proposed hearing focused on the Future of Europe including the work of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the recently adopted Treaty Change Resolution by the European Parliament.

The public hearing focused on the future of Europe including the work of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the recently adopted Treaty Change Resolution by the European Parliament. The event would allow AFCO Members to take stock of what has been achieved so far and to look ahead to the way forward as suggested in the Parliament's proposals to amend the Treaties. Experts from academic world and think tanks along with the representatives of the Commission and the Council shared their vison with Members on how to enhance the competences, role and scope of action of the EU and to strengthen links between citizens and their elected representatives, while increasing accountability and transparency, promoting citizen participation and a more inclusive decision-making process.